How do I install the video surveillance?

A public organization decides to install a video surveillance system (VS) to protect its buildings.

The security manager of the building draws up the project specifications for the company that is going to install the VS.

The head of the data protection refuses to approve the project because the employees will be filmed at their place of work.

The computer department management offers to blur the pictures, encrypt the transmission of data, and to secure and strictly limit access rights.

Video surveillance projects should be designed in such a way that the privacy of the employees being filmed is respected. We may monitor the services provided by the worker; on the other hand it is illegal to monitor the behaviour of the person. It is prohibited to use a video surveillance to monitor employees.
The objective must be clear, and the most adequate and less intrusive means to achieve this must be chosen. These measures must be the subjected to adequate communication. The employer should inform and consult the employees or their representatives and, if possible, obtain their consent before introducing the automated systems for the collection and processing of their personal data.
Basic principles
LIPAD 38 and 42 ; LPD 4; 12, 13, 14 and 17 ; LTr 6 ; OLT3 26 ; CO 328 and 328b
Principles of legality, good faith and proportionality (suitability, the necessity for these measures and the least intrusive); The principle of transparency of the data collection: the purpose of the collection must be recognizable; protection of workers